

Below you will find information about our invoice process and membership fees from May 2023 till April 2024.

Individual members
Category Yearly fee
1 R$ 800
Students / family members / juniors / seniors
Category Yearly fee
2 R$ 370,00
CategoryNumber of employees in BrazilYearly fee
31-10 employeesR$ 1.300
411-50R$ 3.370
551-100R$ 6.630
6101-350R$ 8.160
7351-600R$ 10.100
8601-1000R$ 17.600
91001-5000R$ 24.000
10> 5001R$ 27.000
Companies outside of Brazil
Category Yearly fee
11 SEK 7,450
Individuals outside Brazil
Category Yearly fee
12 SEK 1,750

Invoicing procedure

After receiving the subscription form, we will send you an invoice to a mailing address of your choice.

The annual fee is billed once a year for categories 1, 2, 3, 11 and 12. For others categories the subscription fee is billed every six months.